Thursday, June 25, 2009

21 Week Appointment

Cervix actually got longer from last week (even with all the furniture moving and basket carrying)!! Things are going great! Baby looks good. He is approximately one pound right now and he was very active during the sonogram. Kicking and squirming all over the place!!

I will post pictures soon.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


We are going to keep Maddy's room girly with Tinkerbell on her side, but we are undecided as to what we should put on the other side for Felipe.

Here is Maddy's set The walls are going to be two shades of green, light on top and dark on bottom, or blue on top and green on the bottom. Which one do you think matches better or are they going to be too busy with Maddy's bedding? We are just going to get the Toddler bedding set because it's cheaper and has all that we need anyway. All you will see is the sheet through the crib bars and the blanket will hang over the back bar, we will get a solid color crib skirt and bumper to tone it down.

Finding Nemo was too expensive and hard to find and we have tons of Elmo stuff already, so this might be the best and easiest way to go. Thanks for all the links to Nemo stuff. It's all so cute, just way too much money for bedding that's going to be peed and puked on!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

19 Week Sonogram

All is great! Cervix is holding strong at greater than 3 cm, which apparently is very good. Baby is doing great and has a one in 99,000 chance of having something wrong, which Linkie said are very good

As far as the pregnancy is going, (as much as I do anyway) I really can't complain at all. This is as close to a "normal" pregnancy as I could hope for. I am working, still able to hang with the monster, and I have been cooking and light cleaning. And none of this seems to have any effect on the cervix. I feel great, never had any morning sickness, and I feel like I have the weight gain under control. And the best part is that I am half way there!

Linkie even gave me a glimmer of a "normal" summer when she said taking Maddy places during the summer would be fine as long as I kept going for the 2 week check-ups and things progressed the way they are now. So things really can't be any better!!!

Here is little "Elmo" or "Boy" as Maddy calls him...

Yes, that IS what you think it is!