Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ist Sonogram ~ 8 weeks, 2 days

All is well and the baby is good. The heartbeat was strong and Smiley said that the way the baby looked and the bloodwork looked, that there was little chance of an early miscarriage. The stitch will go in at 12 weeks, 3-4 days rest, and then back to work as usual. I asked about stairs and if I would be able to continue to work and Smiley said all would be fine if I was smart about it. The baby is due November 3, so we are thinking he/she will probably make his appearance sometime in October.

Here is little "Brickwood" a name Chris decided would fit the little "baby-to-be" until it arrives.

Our next appointment/sonogram is April 16th. The stitch date will be set then.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ist of Many Prenatals

We are indeed pregnant. It has now been confirmed by a doctor. Not sure how far along and we don't have a due date yet. All that will be revealed at our next appointment on March 26th with Smiley.

I have over $200 raisied for an Autism walk I can't even participate in...oops!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ready or Not!

So I took a home pregnancy test and thought maybe we were okay...and then that pesky second line started to show up, so yes indeed, I do think we are pregnant...again.

I am torn right now. This is unexpected and I am not sure we are ready. I wanted more time with Maddy, at least the summer. Our last summer as 3. We will just have to make the best of it and I will have to try to do as much as possible while keeping the little poppy seed surprise safe.

So here it all begins again! More dates with Smiley Dick and Dr. G. More wonderful cervix updates and couch rest.

If we are right, we will be a family of 4 sometime early November. What is it with us and winter babies?

This is all very overwhelming!